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PO. Box 303
Dover-Foxcroft, ME


Sebec Lake Association


Welcome to our Sebec Lake Association's web site. On our site you will find information about Sebec Lake as well as information for our members. Learn more about our organization, including our mission, bylaws, and meet our officers and directors. You may also pay your dues, make a donation, purchase Sebec Lake decals, read our annual meeting minutes, past newsletters and peruse our FAQs.

Our Lake Information includes the history of the area, geographic information, water quality testing results, water clarity and level data, as well as information on the dam, its agreement with the state, information on invasive plants and a map of the watershed area.

We welcome new members. Anyone who has an interest in Sebec Lake and supports our mission to Preserve and Protect our lake is welcome and encouraged to become a member of the Sebec Lake Association. Dues are only $20 per calendar year.

Sebec Lake Memberhip

Your participation is important!

All residents and visitors to our lovely Sebec Lake area are encouraged to join our association. Please consider joining us. Dues are only $20 a year. 

If you plan to pay your dues via PayPal, you must also click on the Dues/Ads/Donation/Store button above and pay there by going to box at labeled PayPal Dues at the bottom of the DUES column, fill in Name & Address fields and click on Pay Now.  

Filling out the membership form WILL NOT initiate PayPal dues payment.  Use the next window/slider for Dues/Ads/Donations to use payment options.

Even if you are not interested in supporting the Sebec Lake Association with your dues, please take the time to fill out the member form, which helps us keep property ownership records current. Your email will not be shared with any third parties. Please use this form to update any information. First and last name are required; the year lake property was acquired helps us determine ownership changes. If you don't own lake property, but want to be a member, you may ignore those property fields. Thank you for helping to Protect and Preserve Sebec Lake.


Anyone who has an interest in Sebec Lake and supports our mission to 'Protect and Preserve' the lake is welcome and encouraged to become a member of the Sebec Lake Association. The Sebec Lake Association dues are $20 a year.  Please use our PayPal link to remit payment. You are not required to have a personal PayPal account to do this. If you prefer to pay by check, please mail a check for $20 to Treasurer, Sebec Lake Association, PO Box 303, Dover-Foxcroft ME 04426.

Note that if you want to pay dues by PayPal, you must also click on Dues/Donations and fill out the PayPal dues information.

If you own lake property, please include the home and property/camp mailing addresses on your check so we can credit the correct Membership record.

PayPal Dues

Camp Owner Name
Camp Lot or Street Address

Donations & Decals

The Sebec Lake Association is a 501-C-3 not for profit organization.  Contributions made to the Association are tax deductible. 

To make a general donation to the Sebec Lake Association, please use the button below

To make a donation In Memory of someone, please use the button below

In Memory of

Get your Sebec Lake Association Decals here! Cost is $2 per decal, plus $1 postage and handling for the entire order.

SLA Sticker


Please consider supporting Sebec Lake Association with a Newletter Print Ad and/or a Web Sponsor Ad.

Use email to send us specifics about each ad. Use the forms below to pay for the ads.

Web Sponsor Ads: $55

Business name
Business Owner Name

Newsletter Print Ads: 3 Options

Ad Sizes
Business name
Business Owner Name

Sebec Lake Association Mission

To Protect and Preserve

The Sebec Lake Association is an incorporated organization of property owners and friends of Sebec Lake, founded in 1971. Since then, the Association has acted to protect and preserve Sebec Lake.

These efforts may be addressed by persons responsible for the following areas:

1. Water Quality: The Association has equipment for sampling and analysis. A sustained monitoring program of clarity and annual water testing for phosphorous is well established.

2. Water Level: When the outlet to Sebec Lake was developed for hydro-electric power, the Association reached an agreement with the developer and various government and regulatory agencies, insuring a stable water level during summer months, with allowances for weather conditions. The Association continues to work with the Dam owner (now Dichotomy), the local dam operators, Maine's Department of Environmental Protection, Maine's Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the US Fish and Wildlife Service to determine optimum water levels during the year.

3. Promotion, Membership and Publicity: Through our website (www.sebeclakeassoc.org) and annual newsletters sent to all property owners and members, the Association keeps property owners informed as to their responsibilities in protection and preservation as well as encouraging membership in the Association. The annual meeting is in July or August and is announced on the website.

4. Protection of Watershed: The Association was successful in removing the spruce budworm from the watershed with spraying in the early 1980s. There needs to be continued vigilance directed toward monitoring activities in the watershed.

5. Environmental Issues: The website and newsletter are a means of sharing information with property owners. Articles on invasive plant species and invasive fish species, the need for shoreline vegetation, how to limit phosphorous getting into the lake are all topics that have been addressed to help property owners "Protect and Preserve" Sebec Lake.

6. Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Liaison: Tim Obrey, regional fish biologist for the area is a resource and willing to answer questions related to the Lake.

7. Social Activities: Social activities will be planned as time permits. These may be coordinated with other local area groups. 


ARTICLE I - NAME The name of this organization shall be the Sebec Lake Association, Inc.

ARTICLE II - DESCRIPTION The Association shall be a nonprofit, nonpartisan incorporated organization.

ARTICLE III - PURPOSE The purpose of the Association shall be to protect and preserve Sebec Lake.

ARTICLE IV - OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS The officers of the Association shall be president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. Directors shall include officers of the Association and at least nine and not more than thirteen additional members.

ARTICLE V - ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS There shall be a nomination committee of three directors appointed by the board of directors prior to the annual meeting who shall nominate at the annual meeting officers and directors for the ensuing year. Nominations may also be made from the floor. Before a candidate shall be voted upon by the members at the annual meeting, his or her consent to hold office, if elected, shall be obtained. A majority of those present shall elect. The officers and directors shall be elected for a term of one year and shall begin their terms following the annual meeting. Husband and wife and family members shall be allowed to serve concurrently as directors. All major areas of the lake (Dover-Foxcroft, Sebec, Willimantic, Bowerbank) shall be represented on the board provided director candidates willing to serve are available.

ARTICLE VI - DIRECTORS The directors shall supervise and manage the affairs of the Association. They may fill vacancies in their own board. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum. Directors must be current members of the Association. Directors missing three consecutive Board meetings may be removed as a Director by a majority vote of the Board. Board business may be conducted via electronic media.

ARTICLE VII - PRESIDENT The president shall preside at all meeting of the members, when present, and perform such other duties as may be required.

ARTICLE VIII - VICE PRESIDENT The vice president shall assume the duties of the president when so delegated by the president and succeed to the office of the president in the event of the president's death or resignation. The vice president shall preside at all meetings of the members and directors in the absence of the president and shall perform such other duties as may be required.

ARTICLE IX - TREASURER The treasurer shall have the custody of, and keep an accurate account of the Association's funds; submit a financial report at the annual meeting; and perform such other duties as may be required. The treasurer's reports and financial statements will be periodically audited as directed by the Board. The treasurer and president have the authority to sign checks with the authority of the board of directors.

ARTICLE X - SECRETARY The secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings of members and directors, and shall give adequate advance notice to each and all interested parties.

ARTICLE XI - MEMBERS Anyone eighteen years or older can be a member of the Association upon payment of dues. All members shall have the same privileges regarding voting and holding office. Proxy voting by members or directors is not permitted. A business or organization can be a member of the Association but will have only one vote.

ARTICLE XII - DUES Any change in the annual dues for members will be proposed by the board or directors and voted upon at the next annual meeting.

ARTICLE XIII - ANNUAL MEETING There shall be an annual meeting of the members of the Association during the summer season at some convenient place in the vicinity of Sebec Lake, the date and place to be determined by the directors, such meeting to be held to elect officers and directors, and to consider any other business. Any business relating to the affairs of the Association may be acted on at the annual meeting without specifying the same in the prior notice to members, except that no change in the bylaws shall be voted on at the annual meeting unless such change was described in the prior notice. The members present at the annual meeting shall constitute a quorum.

ARTICLE XIV - SPECIAL MEETING The secretary shall call a special meeting of the Association when so directed by vote of the directors and give adequate advance notice of such meeting.

ARTICLE XV - BYLAWS These bylaws may be changed only at an annual meeting of members by a three-quarter vote of those voting. No change shall be made unless the meeting notice described the proposed change.

ARTICLE XVI - COMMITTEES Standing committees may be appointed by the president with the approval of the board of directors and shall continue their function until discontinued by the directors. The president shall appoint committee membership and designate the chairperson. The appointments shall be until the next annual meeting unless discontinued earlier. Special Committees may be appointed by the president who will designate the chairperson

Revised July 8, 2017 


Rudy Davis

Dave McDermott
Vice President

Debra Stallings

Janet Hall
Database/Web Manager

Drew Daubenspeck

Hugh Johnston

Brian Hall

Norman Hill

Cindy Woodworth

Brian Woodworth

Ellen McDermott

Nick Swett

Ian White

Meeting Minutes

2024 Annual Meeting Minutes

2024 Annual Meeting Minutes


Prior Minutes


IFW Fall Flows Part 2 9/3/2024 Tim Obrey

This is part 2 of the fall flows information. 

We are sitting pretty at First Roach Pd with 6.5 ft of storage, so we are increasing flows from 80 cfs to 230 cfs today.

Also, we spoke with Brookfield last week to sort out flows for the month of September to discuss flows on the West Branch of the Penobscot below Seboomook, East Outlet, and Moose River.

Flows were bumped up to 750 cfs on the West Branch below Seboomook Dam over Labor Day weekend.  We will maintain this flow for now and reassess the water storage around the middle of the month.  If we have some surplus water, then we can increase the flows for the last two weeks of the season.  You may or may not know that Seboomook Lake is limited to a 17 ft drawdown under the current hydro license and DEP water quality certification.  In the past the lake could be drawn down as much as 33 ft.  There is also a 3.5 ft drawdown limit on Canada Fall Lake which is upstream of Seboomook Lake and can contribute to the water storage.  In the past Canada Falls Lake could be drawn down 26 ft.  So, we are working with much less water these days.

The flows at the Moose River below Brassua Dam will stay around 500 cfs for a few more weeks as maintenance is underway at the dam with divers in the water.  We anticipate an increase in flows around the middle of the month. Of course, flows in the Moose River above Brassua Lake are totally unregulated and will only offer fishing opportunities if we get rain.

The East Outlet will remain around 1800 cfs for September, depending on rain.  This is a flow that works for both wading and drift boats. We may ask for a few pulses in flow to help draw fish in periodically this fall, if the rain cooperates.

The temperatures are cooling this week. This should help stir the fish up.

Read More




Where can I launch my boat?

There are public access boat launches in Dover-Foxcroft at Greeley's Landing, Sebec Village on Cove Road and Bowerbank on Landing Road. Please note that all boats, motors and trailers must be clean of plant materials before launching to avoid introducing invasive plant materials into Sebec Lake.

When are the dues due?

Dues are credited for the calendar year in which the payment is received.

What are the dues used for?

Currently, the dues money goes to: The Invasive Plant Patrol Initiative (identifying plants in to water up to 12 feet from the shoreline), Lake water quality testing; Newsletter printing and mailing; Support for the D-F Homecoming Fireworks display; Support for Lake Stewards of Maine programs (was VLMP); and Website development and maintenance. You can help us decide how to use your money when you become a member and attend the annual meeting.

Shoreland zoning regulations

The Maine Shoreland Zoning Act was enacted in 1971 and has had many revisions since then. Note that more restrictive local zoning laws can be enacted by municipalities. Check with your local town office for specifics for that town. In a nutshell: current state regulations require 200' of shore frontage, with that minimum extending to the 100' setback. Lot size must be a minimum of 40,000 square feet. Within the 100' setback buffer, no more than 40% of the total volume of trees over 4 inches in diameter may be harvested in any 10 year period. Vegetation less than 3 feet in height, including ground cover, cannot be removed. Pruning the lower 1/3 of tree branches within the buffer is permitted. This law focuses upon areas near great ponds, rivers and larger streams, coastal areas, and wetlands. The "Shoreland Zoning" law helps to prevent and control water pollution; to protect fish spawning grounds, bird and wildlife habitat; to protect buildings and lands from flooding and accelerated erosion; to protect archeological and historic resources; to protect commercial fishing and maritime industries; to protect freshwater and coastal wetlands; to control building sites, placement of structures and land uses; to conserve shore cover, and visual as well as actual points of access to inland and coastal waters; to conserve natural beauty and open space; and to anticipate and respond to the impacts of development in shoreland areas. The Shoreland Zoning law requires that municipalities protect shoreland areas through adopting shoreland zoning maps and ordinances. Zoning ordinances provide for what types of activities can occur in certain areas. For example, they address building size and setbacks, and the establishment of resource protection, general development, residential, and other zones. Shoreland areas include areas within 250 feet of the normal high-water line of any great pond, river or saltwater body, areas within 250 feet of the upland edge of a coastal wetland, areas within 250 feet of the upland edge of a freshwater wetland except in certain situations, and areas within 75 feet of the high-water line of a stream. The law is primarily administered through each municipality, and the local code enforcement officer is usually the first point of contact on shoreland zoning issues. The MDEP also has a Shoreland Zoning Unit.

What's going on with the Sebec Dam?

If you have questions about the Sebec Dam, the water level or anything related to what's happening at the site, the Sebec Lake Association is your go-to organization for answers. The Sebec Lake Association has a direct relationship with the dam's Management. You can contact Rudy Davis, part of the Dam liaison team of Directors. Send your question or comment to him via email from our Officers page. Just click on his name and an email addressed to him will open.

Sebec Lake Information

Our Latest News

Wanted! Volunteers for a Plant Paddle Tuesday August 6...

This is an educational event providing participants with an opportunity to learn about aquatic plants and how simple it is to monitor for invasive plant species. We will be led by a team from the Lake Stewards of Maine and the Soil and Water Conservation District. This is an on-the-water paddling event in canoes and kayaks.   Stay tuned for more information on the timing of this event.

If you are interested in the Plant Paddle on August 6, please send an email to Hugh Johnston with the following information: 

Yes, I am interested in participating in the plant paddle.

Please contact me as follows: Name, Email, Phone Number


Lake Level Facts

The Lake Association frequently receives questions/comments related to the current level of the lake.  Unless there is a serious weather event, the lake level has been maintained within its optimal range, an indication that the current owners of the Sebec Village Dam are doing a good job. 

  • The Sebec Dam operators have some control of the level by adjusting the outflow through the turbines. The 18 inch "splash boards" are now being left in year-round, a change in operations from that which we have seen historically.  This change, implemented in the fall of 2021, appears to have worked very well to manage the lake level since then.  Again, the dam operators can only work with the precipitation or lack thereof that they are given by Mother Nature. 
  • Some interesting background information: The area of Sebec Lake is 10.27 sq. miles.  The area of the watershed that feeds into the lake is 327 sq. miles. If all the water from a rainfall landing on the Lake and its watershed arrived at the lake "instantaneously," the lake level would rise 33"!  Obviously, this does not occur. First, not all the water landing on the watershed reaches the Lake, although anywhere from 20% to 90% of it does (referred to as the water collection efficiency), depending on recent rainfall amounts and the time of year.  Secondly, the rate which the watershed rain reaches the lake depends on the local terrain of the eighteen brooks and streams that feed into the Lake, recent rainfall amounts, and type of ground cover (forested, fields, etc.).
  • The bottom line is that those of us who use the lake have minimal control over the lake level. We can all talk about the issue, but we cannot change it. Local de-forestation and climate change will only make it more of a problem in the future.

lake levels

Invasive Plant Threat

The single most serious and imminent threat to Sebec Lake is invasive plants, such as Eurasian Milfoil, Hydrilla and others.  We believe Sebec is currently free from invasives. With Milfoil now reported in several nearby lakes including (Salmon Lake, now free of Milfoil after use of herbicide treatment) and recently Cobbosseecontee Lake (less than 100 miles from Sebec), keeping Sebec Lake free from infestation will take involvement by all of us who enjoy the lake. We encourage you to view this VLMP video and consider volunteering for the Sebec Invasive Plan Patrol team. 

Since the summer of 2015, the team has been progressively mapping the vegetation ("littoral") zone of the lake shore, making good progress each summer, and finding no invasive species so far.  Mapping the lake is a huge task, and volunteers are welcome, training is provided.

A Rapid Response Team, formed to respond to potential threats reported by camp owners, has visited several locations where camp owners were concerned about vegetation growing in the lake.  If you are interested in joining this team, please contact President Rudy Davis.

Greetings.  As the summer of 2023 draws to a close, the Sebec Lake Association wants to remind everyone of the importance of vigilance relative to invasive species introduction.  Big Lake, which is only 2.5 hours away from Sebec, is fighting a major infestation of Eurasian Milfoil.  Brought to the lake most likely from southern Maine boaters, jet-skiers or Kayakers who failed to clean and dry their watercraft.  We encourage you to watch the attached video, at least watch the short 90 second trailer, found at the link provided: The Battle for Big Lake

As you can see from the video, invasive plants can be the death knell for a lake.  The first line of defense is prevention.  Please make sure your watercraft, and those of your visitors to camp, are cleaned and dry before they are put in Sebec Lake .  And please educate your neighbors who may not be members of SLA.

A recent article in The Water Column, the magazine of the Lake Stewards of Maine, featured an article of interest: "Littorally Speaking: Responding to Maine's newest and northernmost invasive milfoil infestation."  Invasives just keep spreading in Maine, closer and closer to Sebec Lake.  It cannot be emphasized enough that we must be vigilant and proactive in cleaning any item that goes into the lake.  Please make sure when your guests bring water equipment and toys from another area that those items (including goggles/fins/floats/skis/watercraft) are thoroughly cleaned before putting them in the water.  A little extra effort now with prevent bigger problems in the future!  Thanks!! 

We received the following information about Cobbosseecontee Lake Milfoil invasion; this supports our need to map the shoreline of Sebec and keep the Invasive Plant Patrol project going!:

Breaking News From
Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Invasive Milfoil Confirmed in Cobbosseecontee Lake
Rapid response aims to keep plants in check

AUGUSTA, August 7, 2018
- Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has confirmed growth of Eurasian water milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) in the north end of Cobbosseecontee (aka Cobbossee) Lake in Winthrop.  The plant was discovered in July by Friends of Cobbossee Watershed (FOCW) plant surveyors.  DEP, FOCW and Cobbossee Watershed District have searched for and removed plants since last month's discovery.  
This find on a highly-valued central Maine lake highlights the risk of introduction of invasive aquatic species including plants, fish, and other organisms such as zebra mussels.  DEP urges boaters to clean, drain, and dry boats, anchor lines and fishing gear before and after launching in Maine waters.
"The sharp eyes of Friends of Cobbossee Watershed surveyors found this invasive species at what we believe to be an early growth stage," said DEP Commissioner Paul Mercer.  "Initial surveying and removal efforts by Friends of Cobbossee Watershed, Cobbosee Watershed District and DEP indicate the plant is confined to the north end of the lake.  We are optimistic that continued rapid response by local organizations and DEP will reduce risk of this plant from spreading to other parts of the lake, and to other lakes.  It's too early to tell if eradication is achievable but that is the goal of this collaborative rapid response effort.  
The lake community is fortunate to have strong local organizations working to protect area waters."
The message to boaters is simple: clean, drain and dry your watercraft, trailers and equipment before launching and after removing from every waterbody.  Cleaning-up a problem is much more expensive than preventing a problem.

Eurasian water milfoil, an aggressive aquatic plant throughout the U.S., is known to be in only one water body in the state, a 28-acre pond in Scarborough.

History of Sebec Lake

Long before white settlers make their appearance at the lake, it was certainly inhabited by Indians as shown by the great number of arrowheads and stone implements found along the shore. Their name for the lake was Sebecco. In the 1850s folks from the towns of Dover and Foxcroft could take a stagecoach to the Landing. Starting in 1860 there were boats offering rides on the lake. In the middle 1800s and through to the mid-1900s, there were many sawmills and log drives on the lake. In the early 1900s, cottages (known in the area as 'camps') were being built on the lake. In 1964, Dover-Foxcroft lawyer Francis Peaks, presented an 800 acre tract of land at the lake to the state to become Maine's 18th state park, to be named Peaks-Kenny. It is tucked back in a large cove (South Cove), a short distance from Greeley's Landing. How has Sebec Lake grown over the years? The first listed number of cottages at the lake was 40 before the turn of the century. Now there are over 900 residences, both seasonal and year-round.

Sebec Lake Association Geographic Location

Sebec Lake is located in central Maine, in Piscataquis County at latitude 45, longitude -69. It is about 11 miles long and about 2 miles wide at its widest point, about 6800 acres. The average water depth is 42 feet, and 155 feet at its maximum. The direct watershed area is 160 square miles (about 20 rivers and streams), with the indirect watershed being 327 square miles. The only outlet is the Sebec River; outflow is controlled by a dam used to generate hydroelectric power. Sebec Lake has four towns that border its shoreline: Dover-Foxcroft, Sebec, Bowerbank and Willimantic. Large portions of the shore line are uninhabited. There are three public boat launches around the lake: Dover-Foxcroft (Greeley's Landing), Sebec Village (Cove Road), and Bowerbank (Landing Road). The open water fishing season begins at ice-out, usually in early May, and continues until September 30. It is then illegal to fish for any species until January 1, after freeze-up.

Sebec Lake Water Quality

The water quality of Sebec Lake is above average for lakes in Maine, according to the Maine DEP.  Two primary components to track lake water quality are clarity, chemistry and invasive species.

SLA has volunteers that spend their time taking samples and readings relative to lake water quality and clarity. 

Water Clarity is measured with a Secchi Disc which measures the depth from the surface of the water down to where the disk is no longer visible.

Water Chemistry is tested by taking samples of lake water and testing for chemical components such as phosphorous and dissolved oxygen.

Invasive Species:  A constant concern is to keep invasive species out of the lake. These are introduced by boats which are brought to the lake with remnants of the invasive plants (e. g. milfoil, hydrilla) somewhere on the boat, motor or trailer. It is important to inspect and clean boats, trailers, PWC, tubes, water shoes or any devices which have been in other bodies of water prior to launching them on the lake.

For more information on invasive species, check out the Maine Invasives page.

Water Levels Water Clarity Phosphorus Tests
Change in Ownership of Sebec Dam

2024 Ownership Update

Prior to  November 30, 2007, the original owners of the Sebec Dam engaged the Swift River Hydro Operations to carry out the most extensive overhaul of the dam facility in the past 25-years. The turbines were overhauled and the gates were repaired essentially rebuilding them with new steel rollers, cleaning corrosion from the gate guides, strengthening corroded areas where the rollers were attached, installing new seals along the bottom of each gate and J-seals along the sides of the gates. A number of concrete areas within the flumes where spalling had started due to submersion of the flume over the last 25 years were repaired. Additionally, all the cracks on the dam and its concrete apron were sealed, and divers worked on numerous small leaks found on the up-stream side of the timber crib dam.  Once the units were made operational again the PLC system was activated for controlling the lake level using the lake level control system. The work took over six weeks to complete.

On November 30, 2007, the Sebec dam was sold by Swift River Hydro Operations to Ampersand, LLC  and subsequently to Dichotomy Capital LLC in 2020.  Shortly thereafter, Dichotomy became Elevate Power with the merger of Dichotomy Power and Clear Energy, and the power marketing firm Standard Power. In April of 2024, Elevate Power rebranded as Relevate Power due to a naming rights conflict.  Its mission is to redevelop underutilized hydropower plants providing affordable 24/7 cle an energy to rural America’s most impactful organizations.

Many of Relevate's facilities are over a hundred years old. They have served as the bedrock of our modern communitiees—providing water, power, and recreation for residents, businesses and industries. Yet, in recent years, these dams have suffered from neglect and underinvestment.

Relevate Power states that its goals are to restore old waterpower plants to their former glory – and beyond. With a passion for quality engineering and materials, under our care, these essential structures will last hundreds more years — securing our way of life on the river for generations to come.

The Environmental Protection below is still in place; please see The Sebec Dam Operating Agreement in another article, which changed the operation from the original 'store-and-release' to 'run-of-the-river'.

Following is the Maine Board of Environmental Protection approved Small Hydroelectric Generating Facilities Permit and Water Quality Certification for the Sebec Dam for the purpose of generating hydroelectric power:

A. Except as temporarily modified by (1) approved maintenance activities, (2) extreme hydrologic conditions as defined below, (3) emergency electrical system conditions as defined below, or (4) agreement between the applicant, appropriate state and/or federal agencies, and the Sebec Lake Association, and commencing October 1, 2005 the project shall be operated in a run-of-the river mode, with outflow approximately equal to the inflow on an instantaneous basis except during flashboard failure or replacement, and with Sebec Lake levels maintained within six inches of full pond elevation (that is between elevations 322.8 and 322.3 feet) when flashboards are in place and within three inches of spillway crest elevation (that is, between elevations 321.3 and 321.0 feet) when flashboards are not in place.

B. 'Extreme Hydrologic Conditions' means the occurrence of events beyond the applicant's control, such as, but not limited to, abnormal precipitation, extreme runoff, flood conditions, ice conditions or other hydrologic conditions such as the operational restrictions and requirements contained herein are impossible to achieve or are inconsistent with safe operation of the project.

C. 'Emergency Electrical System Conditions' means operating emergencies beyond applicant's control which require changes in flow regimes to eliminate such emergencies which may in some circumstances include but are not limited to equipment failure or other abnormal temporary operating condition, generating unit operation or third party mandated interruptions under power supply emergencies; and orders from local, state, or federal law enforcement or public safety authorities.

D. Notwithstanding Part A of this condition, the lake level shall whenever possible be drawn down in late winter to help reduce seasonal flooding, with a target lake level of 317.8 feet on or before March 31st, and a minimum flow of 40 cfs, as established in Condition 3 of this permit, shall be maintained at all times. A three-member Sebec Dam Liaison Committee of the Sebec Lake Association has been formed to establish an ongoing dialog with new owners of the dam.

JDH (5/4/2024)

Sebec Dam Operating Agreement

NOTE:  The Sebec Lake Association has a direct relationship with the Sebec Dam's management.  If you have questions or comments about the dam or lake level, please contact  Rudy Davis, SLA President or Brian Woodworth, SLA Vice President via their listing on the Officers page.

October 2007

The following Lake level specifications of Operating Permit at Sebec Lake has been taken from the MEDEP August 17, 2005 action to reflect a change in operation of the project (Sebec Hydro, FERC No. 7253) from its present store-and-release operating mode to a run-if-the-river mode.

1. Original Approval. By order #49-8594-21180 dated July 13, 1983 the Board of Environmental Protection approved a Small Hydroelectric Generating Facilities permit and Water Quality Certification for the proposed redevelopment of the existing Sebec Dam for the purpose of generating hydroelectric power.

To address local concerns regarding long-term protection of fish and wildlife habitat and public uses the Board attached several conditions to its approval requiring that specified water levels be maintained in Sebec Lake as follows:

Condition 1: Except as irreconcilably limited by inflows to the impoundment, temporary abnormal operating conditions, by unit operation or interruption under power supply emergencies, or by order of state, local or federal authorities, where all such conditions are beyond the applicant's control, and commencing with project construction, water levels in the impoundment shall be maintained annually: a) between 322.8 and 322.3 feet from Memorial Day to the Monday after Labor Day b) between 322.8 and 319.0 feet from Monday after Labor Day to September 30th c) between 322.8 and 317.2 feet from October 1st to the following Memorial Day. d) except that the water levels may be drawn below 310 feet during the period from the Monday after Labor day to September 10th during the construction season.

Condition 2: Water levels between October 15th and May 1st of the following year are maintained at elevations no lower than the water level achieved on October 15th.

Condition 3: An instantaneous minimum flow of 40 cubic feet per second (cfs) be maintained from the project at all times. 2. First Modification. In 1993 the ME Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife notified the project owner and the DEP results of a 5-year study that was conducted at Sebec Lake. Based on this study and in consultation with other interested parties, the DEP determined that holding the lake at or above elevation 322.0 feet until October 15 would benefit salmon spawning while not adversely affecting other uses of the lake.

Based on DEP's determination, by order #L-8594-35-G-M dated July 19, 1995 the Board deleted Condition 2 and modified Condition 1 of its original approval to read as follows:

Condition 1 (revised): A. Except as temporarily modified by inflows to the project area, or by operating emergencies beyond Sebec Hydro's control, as defined below, water levels in Sebec Lake shall be maintained annually as follows: between 322.8 and 322.3 feet Memorial Day to Monday after Labor Day between 322.8 and 322.0 feet Monday after Labor Day to October 15th* between 322.8 and 317.2 feet October 15th to following Memorial Day. * Sebec Hydro retains the authority to begin the fall drawdown before October 15th if deemed prudent in response to predicted storm events. B. Operating emergencies beyond Sebec Hydro's control include, but may not be limited to, equipment or flashboard failure or other temporary abnormal operation condition, generating unit operation or interruption under power supply emergencies, and orders from local, state or federal law enforcement or public safety officials.

Condition 2 (eliminated): Condition 3 (as before): An instantaneous minimum flow of 40 cubic feet per second (cfs) be maintained from the project at all times. 3. Second Modification In January, 2006 the project owner, Sebec Hydro Limited Partnership, proposed to modify the operation of the approved project from its present store-and-release mode, in which lake levels are periodically drawn down to take advantage of the runoff from seasonal precipitation and snow-melt, to a run-of-river mode, in which the project would be operated on an outflow equals inflow basis and lake levels would remain stable except when a drawdown is needed to control flooding or due to operating emergencies. The DEP determined that the proposed change should 'reduce the environmental impacts of fluctuating lake levels while enhancing the economic viability of the project'.

Accordingly, by Department Order #L-8594-35-H-M, dated August 17, 2005, Condition 1 of Board Order #49-8594-21180 dated July 13, 1983, as previously modified by Board Order #L-8594-35-G-M dated July 19, 1995, was further modified to read as follows:

Condition 1 (as remodified): A. Except as temporarily modified by (1) approved maintenance activities, (2) extreme hydrologic conditions as defined below, (3) emergency electrical system conditions as defined below, or (4) agreement between the applicant, appropriate state and/or federal agencies, and the Sebec Lake Association, and commencing October 1, 2005 the project shall be operated in a run-of-the river mode, with outflow approximately equal to the inflow on an instantaneous basis except during flashboard failure or replacement, and with Sebec Lake levels maintained within six inches of full pond elevation (that is between elevations 322.8 and 322.3 feet) when flashboards are in place and within three inches of spillway crest elevation (that is, between elevations 321.3 and 321.0 feet) when flashboards are not in place. B. 'Extreme Hydrologic Conditions' means the occurrence of events beyond the applicant's control, such as, but not limited to, abnormal precipitation, extreme runoff, flood conditions, ice conditions or other hydrologic conditions such as the operational restrictions and requirements contained herein are impossible to achieve or are inconsistent with safe operation of the project. C. 'Emergency Electrical System Conditions' means operating emergencies beyond applicant's control which require changes in flow regimes to eliminate such emergencies which may in some circumstances include but are not limited to equipment failure or other abnormal temporary operating condition, generating unit operation or third party mandated interruptions under power supply emergencies; and orders from local, state, or federal law enforcement or public safety authorities. D. Notwithstanding Part A of this condition, the lake level shall whenever possible be drawn down in late winter to help reduce seasonal flooding, with a target lake level of 317.8 feet on or before March 31st, and a minimum flow of 40 cfs, as established in Condition 3 of this permit, shall be maintained at all times.

Condition 2 (already eliminated) Condition 3 (contained now within Condition 1) in Part D) RBH, 10/8/2007

Invasive Plants

The water quality of Sebec Lake is above average for lakes in Maine, according to the Maine DEP. A constant concern is to keep invasive species out of the lake. These are introduced by boats which are brought to the lake with remnants of the invasive plants (e.g. milfoil, hydrilla) somewhere on the boat, motor or trailer. It is important to inspect and clean boats, trailers, and other water 'toys' which have been in other bodies of water prior to launching them on the lake. Should you find any plant that you suspect to be an invasive plant you should take a sample in a plastic bag with some water and contact Rudy Davis and get the sample to him to verify.

Rudy Davis, Temporary Invasive Plant Patrol Coordinator 
Invasive Aquatic Plants, Maine Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Land and Water Quality 
Maps of Maine Lakes with Invasive Plant Species

Invasive Plant Patrol Initiative

The SLA concerns about Invasive species invading our precious lake are growing and we are now forming a plan to be proactive in our approach. 

At the top of the list of this threat are invasive plants, such as Eurasian Milfoil and Hydrilla. These two species of invasive plant, which can effectively take over and kill the lake, are now just a two hour drive away from Sebec. They are present in the Belgrade lakes, and continue their migration northward and eastward from other infestations. How does this happen? Fragments of these invaders arrive on boats, trailers, PWCs, canoes, kayaks, waders, skis, tubes and yes, even kids' toys. Belgrade Lakes is believed to have been infested by Duck decoys. Fragments survive even the harsh extremes of winter, and can remain dormant for many months, both in the water and on land. It takes vigilance and a commitment from Camp owners to keep them at bay. It means a monitoring team needs to be formed, not just to patrol the areas of highest infestation risk, e.g. launches and marinas, but to respond to any Camp owner who suspects they may have one of these plants growing at their lakefront.

SLA, as many of you know, has been the tip of the spear in protecting Sebec Lake from a variety of threats over the years. We've depended on the volunteerism and membership support to perform this function. And now we need your help as much as ever.

SLA has formulated plans to create an Invasive Plant Patrol team. The team will perform several key functions:

1. Survey the lake shore zones, creating a map of what is currently growing where. Initiated in 2015, the survey has progessively been working the shore zone, with high risk areas such as the marinas, boat launches and strem inlets a top priority.  The IPP goal is to complete the entire shoreline in the next 3 to 5 years.  The map below shows the areas that have been inspected; note that this is ongoing and areas will need to be re-inspected on a regular basis.

View Map

2. The IPP team, working in conjunction with the State and local governments, will design and place additional educational signage about invasive species at all launches and marinas. Education is our best preventive measure.

3.The IPP team will be trained in rapid response to any report of potential invasive plant, so that we can safely and effectively trap it and send it off for official analysis without risking further spreading.

The creation and activation of this team is no easy task, and it needs your help. How??

First and foremost, volunteer to be on the IPP team. If you'd like to volunteer, contact SLA President Rudy Davis at 978-204-6799.

Second, volunteer your kayak or canoe to the effort.

Third, make a dedicated financial contribution to the effort. The team will need equipment: logs, view scopes, maps, specialized rakes and other things of this nature.

Finally, become educated about this threat, and make sure the toys you put in the water, or that any visitors may put in the water, are appropriately washed and cleaned prior to going in.

The SLA believes it is critical not to underestimate the threat these invasive species pose to our Lake. If you'd like to see what an infestation looks like, please refer to the WLMP site.

So, please consider getting involved.

Rudy Davis

Invasive Fish

Sebec Lake has several native fish species, including landlocked salmon, lake trout, brook trout, sunfish, American eel, brown bullhead, and white sucker. With planned removal of dams and creation of fish ladders, the Penobscot River Project could allow invasive species to enter Sebec. LD134, prohibiting fish ladders on the Sebec River at Milo and Sebec was signed into law in 2011. The potential for introduction of non-native species by irresponsible individuals still exists. Sebec Lake Association Directors are involved in committees with the goal of reducing that possibility.

Northern Pike, illegally introduced into the Belgrade Chain of Lakes in the 1970's, are now present in at least 16 lakes in the Kennebec, Androscoggin, and coastal river drainages. They are suspected to occur in several additional waters. These newest populations have been derived from illegal transport or by out-migration from lakes were they have become established. Pike are voracious predators on other fishes, and their presence in one lake is suspected of destroying one of the state's premier landlocked salmon populations.

There have been reports of pike being caught in Sebec. Tim Obrey, Maine Inland Fisheries&Wildlife Biologist, says "there have had reports like this in the past, but they always have turned out to be pickerel. There are some big pickerel in the lake and it's easy to confuse the two species." See Identifying the Pike Family or Pike vs. Pickerel for information on differentiating between pickerel and pike.

Unauthorized introductions of invasive, exotic fish species are particularly destructive to Maine's native brook trout populations, but they may also cause irreversible changes to entire aquatic ecosystems by restructuring plankton and forage fish communities that have evolved since the last glacial retreat. Moreover, strategies to eliminate or control invasive fish are difficult to design and implement, costly, and almost entirely ineffective.

Illegally stocking fish is a crime and often irreversible, especially in a lake the size of Sebec. The illegal introduction of any fish into any Maine water is a Class E crime, punishable by fines up to $10,000! The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife is offering a minimum reward of $2,000 for information leading to the apprehension of persons responsible for the illegal introduction of fish.

Call Operation Game Thief at 1-800-253-7887. For more information, see Illegal Fish Stocking in Maine.

If you think you have caught an invasive species, contact Brian Krause with clear photos of the fish.

Bureau of Land and Water Quality
Invasive Plants - Description and Photos

Sebec Lake Fisheries Management Plan

Sebec Lake Trout Population Report 2024

Tim Obrey's Fishing Report for 1/11/2024 is an evaluation of current Sebec Lake's lake trout population evaluation.  Be sure to check out the drone footage of finding the lake trout which have now been tagged.  

2012 Fisheries Management Plan

Slide Presentation 2012 Fisheries Management Plan

In Fall 2012, Tim Obrey, Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Biologist, called together a group of individuals with an interest in maintaining Sebec Lake's unique qualities to create a plan for managing this precious resource.  In addition to Tim, the Sebec Lake Stakeholders Group includes  Brian Woodworth, Jerry Colbry, Jerry Packard, Jim Drinkwater, Ben Devers, Norm Hill, Peter Chase, and John Tatko.  After much work and discussion, the Plan has been finalized and appears above.  

Salmon Monitoring Program

At the 2015 Annual Meeting, Tim Obrey talked about the IFW project to monitor salmon attempting to jump Earley's Falls to spawn in the river above the falls.  This included specially made equipment to trap the salmon both before and after jumping the falls, as well as monitoring the feed stock necessary for the salmon fry to mature.


Hazard Markers

Sebec Lake has a long history of the hazards being marked dating back as far as 1901 when the Maine State legislature appropriated $250 to be used by the steamboat inspectors to place buoys 'at such points in Sebec Lake as will best serve the needs of navigation thereon.'  Little is known about the early marking of hazards in the lake or where specific buoys were placed but it is interesting to note that this effort took place on Sebec at such an early time in the State history.

After its formation in 1971, the Lake Association began investigating the possibility of placing and maintaining hazard markers around the lake in places where boating hazards had been identified by the camp owners on the lake. However, it took until 1975 for markers to actually be installed at the locations identified by camp owners and staff from the Department of Conservation. The buoys were placed and maintained by the Sebec Lake Association from 1975 until 1988, when it was deemed that the potential liability to the Lake Association was considerable, and the Maine Department of Conservation took over the responsibility of placing the markers, which continues today. The four person Navigational Aids Program, headed by Tim Thurston, Navigation Aids Supervisor is part of the newly merged Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry, Boating Facilities Division. The Nav Aids Program currently places and maintains more than 2,400 buoys on 40 lakes located all over Maine to assist watercraft operators in avoiding hazards to navigation during the summer season.

The criteria utilized by the DOACF for placing a marker include:

1. The hazard is located beyond the 200' Water Safety Zone from the shore towards the middle of the lake; typically hazards within the Water Safety Zone are not marked except for channels or when hazards are determined to be in high traffic areas.

2. The hazard is covered by less than 4' of water at expected low water during the boating season. For Sebec, the boating season is considered to be from ice-out to mid-October and 'low water' is considered to be 3 feet below the target level of 322 feet (above sea level).

Each marker has its location identified by GPS coordinates and has a contact phone number on it to report problems. Since different markings (coloration configuration) have different meanings, it is important that boaters become familiar with the meaning of each type of marker. It is suggested that a copy of the pictorial guide to buoy markings be printed out to carry on the boat until such time as you are familiar with the various markings.

During summer 2013, the department reviewed all markers placed on Sebec Lake, adding additional markers as necessary and removing those which no longer meet the criteria above.

If you have downloaded Google Earth program to your computer, the Nav Aids staff has put together a Google Earth application displaying all markers for which they are responsible, including Sebec Lake. It is even possible to download the coordinates to the buoys and transfer them to your personal GPS for use on the water.

If you have a question about a missing or moved marker, or a suggestion for placing a new marker, contact one of the Sebec Lake Association Board members by email (see the Contact Us at the top of each page). It will be helpful if you have specific location information identifying landmarks, nearby roads or, even better, GPS coordinates. The Board member will then contact the Boating Facilities Division and provide them with a list of potential hazards to be considered for future marking.

Google Earth Hints

View Hazard Markers with Google Earth

The State of Maine buoy page will work much better if you have Google Earth installed on your PC as opposed to it being run through a browser like Internet Explorer or Chrome. If you don't have it installed yet, please do so here ; it's free.  It must be installed in order to view the Maine buoy maps.

Once Google Earth has installed, go to Maine Inland Navigational Aids  and select "Launch our Google Earth Navigational Aid map".  When it asks what you want to do with the buoy file, choose download to my PC and put the file somewhere you can find it; the icon (white circle, gray waves, with 'Pro' at the bottom of the circle) should appear on your desktop. Double click the buoy file you just downloaded and Google Earth should open automatically with the State of Maine map. 

The sidebar on the left hand side allows you to select Sebec Lake (under 'Buoys by Lake'),  you may also want to deselect 'Disclaimer' (to give you more room to see the lake).  You can also open/close the sidebar by clicking on 'View'.   Navigate using the standard zoom/directional buttons on the right side.

If you click on the image below and open in a new window or tab, it will allow you to read the details more clearly.


Action Plan: Boat Wash Station & Launch signage


Have you noticed the new 'Check your Watercraft' signs?

As the Association continues to push forward our enhanced education effort relating to the risk of invasive species, we have installed new signage at the main launches around the lake. Visitors and camp owners alike who use the launches will notice the new signs, designed to encourage watercraft owners to inspect and clean their craft well before dropping them in the lake.

We hope these will help educate and inform, and encourage taking action. More to come as the year goes on.

Please let us know what you think. -- Rudy Davis, President Sebec Lake Association.

Click here to see the Boat Wash design graphic.

The Action Plan to Protect and Preserve Sebec Lake         

by President Rudy Davis

As many of you know, the Association has sponsored an Invasive Plant Program since 2012. The team, comprised entirely of volunteers, undertook a massive mission to map the vegetation of the lake and be available to respond to inquiries. While great progress was made, everything ground to a halt with the Covid era lockdowns. While prevented from mapping, we recognized the need for a dedicated boat with a Lexan ('glass') bottom for easier and more efficient viewing. Getting the donated boat retrofitted and in the water has not been easy, but we plan to christen it on June 1. This is an important step in what is truly needed -- a reinvigoration of, and expansion of the Invasive Plant Program to a multi-faceted Sebec Invasives Species Prevention & Response program. (S-ISPR)

There are four components to the enhanced S-ISPR program:

  1. Active Prevention
  2. Education
  3. Monitoring & Mapping
  4. Threat Response Preparedness

Active Prevention: As many of you may have read late last year in the Observer, we have been working with the town of Dover-Foxcroft to find a way to build a complimentary watercraft / boat wash station at Greely's Landing. (Want to see the plans? Go to the association website.) This has been a heavy lift. As of this writing, we have applied for grants to cover the cost with four foundations. So far, we've received compliments on the applications, but zero dollar commitments. So, we now plan to pursue the funding through personal donations and a capital raise campaign to begin during the summer, with a target date of May 2024 to open the station.
However, there's more to Active Prevention than a wash station. The SLA has worked with the four towns around the lake so we can install better signage at the launches, so that boaters can inspect their watercraft for vegetation well before launching. We hope to get volunteers to be 'courtesy greeters' at the launches during the busiest times, to help boaters inspect their craft for vegetation. We will use the IPP boat to regularly inspect the launch areas and areas where there are 'transient' type rental properties, to be vigilant and quick to respond should a plant be found, as it takes only one small segment to start the infestation.
And, regardless of your personal level of involvement in these actions, you need to ensure that visitors to your camp have thoroughly cleaned and dried any type of craft that goes in the water, from big boats to water shoes and tubes, and everything in between.

Education: In this newsletter you have already seen some of the educational elements that we are rolling out....pictures of the key invasive plants; how to manage them; ways to prevent introduction of them to the lake. Courtesy greeters, better, clearer larger signage will educate at the point of launch. And our goal is to continue to educate about the risks, and the methods of prevention. Additional information will be added to the website as the summer progresses.

Monitoring & Mapping: The clear bottom viewing boat is a great tool, but it needs people to make it work. The goal of monitoring and mapping is two-fold and straightforward. We need to finish the initial work of the mapping program. We still have half the lake shoreline to map. It's a big task and we need you to become a volunteer. We'll get you trained to identify the various plants along the shore that are part of the healthy and necessary vegetation that creates habitat for the wildlife that inhabit Sebec. Monitoring is also straight forward. We know the most likely places for invasives introduction are the boat launches. Setting up a regular schedule to visit and assess them is needed. Again, we need volunteers to learn how to do this and perform the task.

Threat Response Preparedness: The SLA hopes to build a war chest of funds, a Threat Response Reserve fund, if you will, so that when an infestation occurs, we'll have initial funds to attack the area and, at the least, get it sealed off to prevent further spread. We've started that process with the donations that come in for the IPP program, and designating a portion of the funds we receive elsewise to this Reserve fund. To be clear, we don't envision this fund ever needing to reach the level needed to do what Cobbossee has required, but we do need to be prepared.

Threat Response Preparedness is more than funding, however. It's having a team of people that can respond to a camp owner contacting us if they see something growing that 'I haven't see before'. It takes volunteers being trained, as mentioned throughout this piece, to be able to get to the location and evaluate the concern, and to take the appropriate steps to figure out what the plant may be.

As I hope you've noticed, there is one word that repeats itself throughout this article....VOLUNTEERS! Without them, without you, our chances of protecting Sebec from invasive species is greatly diminished. The Board members of SLA...all 11 of us...can't do it all. We need your help.

So, here is my appeal. Please consider volunteering for one of these needs. Yes, it will take some time away from the fun of the lake. But imagine the lake under attack such that we are restricted in using it. Not so much fun then, eh? If I've convinced you to help, send me or Hugh Johnston an email at via the Board page on the Sebec Lake Association website. We'll contact you as soon as possible and get you involved.


Maine Legislation/Laws

This Legislative Session was fast and furious! In a short “emergency” session, there we several important lake bills that successfully made it through committee and past the governor’s desk. For a print copy of any of the new legislation, Click here.

These bills could not have succeeded without help from all of you! 

Grassroots activists, LakeSmart volunteers, lake association members and so many others wrote letters and spoke in front of committees, making it clear to legislators that lakes deserve strong, thoughtful, and effective protection policies. 

Protecting our Shorelines: LD 2101

Municipalities and the Land Use Planning Commission will have crucial new tools at their disposal to enforce existing shoreland zoning rules and to counter egregious violators. This bill will allow them to suspend or revoke shoreland zoning permits and place liens on properties in violation of shoreland zoning rules, better protecting water quality and wildlife habitat, especially nesting loons.

Support for Reducing Invasive Species Spread: LD 2141 and LD 1342

Invasive plants—including milfoils, Curly-leaf pondweed, Parrot Feather, European naiad, and more—accidentally introduced to Maine waters disrupt habitat, displace native wildlife, harm lake water quality, and reduce fishing and recreational opportunities. 

LD 2141 will add $2M to the Invasive Aquatic Plant and Nuisance Species Fund to help address the most serious invasive aquatic plant infestations. Last month, more than 600 supporters signed a petition organized by Maine Audubon and signed by many of you urging the Legislature's Appropriations and Financial Affairs Committee to fund the bill. We are awaiting word from this committee with a final funding amount and hope that it is close to what was asked as we know the need for invasive species risk reduction is great. 

LD 1342 will adjust the cost of the Lake and River Protection Sticker, which all motorized watercraft must display in Maine, by $10 in 2025 and again in 2028. The change will generate hundreds of thousands of dollars to help combat invasive species spread and reduce the serious risks to Maine’s lakes and waterways. 

Managing Wakesurfing to Protect Lake Health: LD 2284

Wake boats are a relatively new sight on Maine's lakes, and their impacts to both lake health and human safety have raised concerns among lake volunteers, shoreland homeowners, and other boaters. Wakesurfing is one of the main operating modes for wakeboats, creating very large wakes that can be ridden on a surf board, with no tow rope. While a great activity far from shore, where the large waves have time to dissipate, wakesurfing too close to shore allows the large waves to erode shorelines, swamp and sink boats, pose serious danger for swimmers and other boaters, and wash eggs out of loon nests. Maine Lakes staff participated in a stakeholder group organized last fall by the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife that made several recommendations for legislation to help address wake boat impacts. (Your can read the report here). This bill, which was enacted at the beginning of April, addresses several issues raised in the report and will prohibit wakesurfing less than 300' from shore and in water less than 15' deep. The Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife will report back to the committee in three years on how the new law is working.

LD 2884 will prohibit a motorboat engaging in wakesurfing within 300 feet of shore and in water less than 15 feet deep. While we had originally advocated for this distance to be 500 feet, a distance supported by research in the field, this bill is a start in raising awareness about the risks of wakesurfing too close to shore. We believe there is space for everyone on Maine’s lakes. Reducing impacts from activities that erode shores and damage habitat by moving them away from shore is a great way to both keep the activity on the lake and to protect the resource, clean water, that is so vital to our boating industry.

June 16, 2023:  New Maine Law Requires Owner to do a Pre-Launch check of ALL Watercraft to Prevent Invasive Species 

Effective June 16, 2023, boaters are now required to do the following:

Prior to entering a water body and when preparing to leave launch sites, boaters are required to remove or open any devices designed for routine removal/opening (for example, hull drain plugs, bailers, live wells, ballast tanks) to encourage draining of areas containing water (excluding live bait containers). This must be done in a way that does not allow drained water to enter any inland water of the state.

From the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife: 

New law impacting boaters, paddlers, anglers, and any other watercraft users.

To reduce the spread of aquatic invasive species in Maine, a law was passed by Maine Legislature that requires boaters to take specific actions to encourage water to drain from their watercraft prior to entering a water body or leaving a launch site (PUBLIC LAW 2023 CHAPTER 190). Aquatic invasive species are any fish, wildlife, or plant species that spreads to a water body where they do not naturally occur. These species are often transferred to new locations on watercraft, watercraft trailers, and other equipment associated with water recreation, and they impact the health of our waters, fish, and wildlife.

Effective June 16, 2023, boaters are now required to do the following:

Prior to entering a water body and when preparing to leave launch sites, boaters are required to remove or open any devices designed for routine removal/opening (for example, hull drain plugs, bailers, live wells, ballast tanks) to encourage draining of areas containing water (excluding live bait containers). This must be done in a way that does not allow drained water to enter any inland water of the state.

This puts into law what the Clean, Drain, Dry educational and outreach campaign has already been encouraging boaters to do. By ensuring that all boaters are draining water when it is from a different source than the inland water body they are about to enter, the risk of spreading aquatic invasive species including some that are not always visible by eye, to new areas is drastically reduced. Similar laws are already in effect in more than 20 other states, including neighboring New Hampshire, Vermont, and New York. This law will limit the spread of aquatic invasive species we already have in Maine while proactively limiting potential for the introduction of aquatic invasive species that would be new to the state such as quagga mussels and the spiny water flea.

Wake Surfing: The Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (IFW) recently completed a report summarizing the findings of a working group that reviewed studies around wake, wake boat, and wake surfing impacts. Wake surfing waves are much larger than those generated by other boating activities such as water skiing or tubing. Even when the activity is 200 feet from shore, if the waves are generated along the side facing the shore, they can be large enough when they reach shore to swamp boats, damage docks, and put people and property at risk. One of the proposals discussed in the report is to simply move the activity of wake surfing further from shore, which protects shorelines and habitat, reduces erosion, and reduces the potential for property damage. The IFW Committee, composed of legislators who discuss and move relevant legislation forward, is currently debating options for legislation to address these concerns.

Please check our Advocacy page for updates.

You can read the IFW Report to the Committee here.

Shoreland Zoning Violations: There will be a public hearing for LD 2101 before the State and Local Government Committee on Tuesday, Feb. 6 at 1:00. The bill is in response to major shoreland zone violations where wealthy homeowners have used litigation to bankrupt municipal coffers and swamp the capacity of limited municipal staff. The bill allows the town to claim a lien against the property and revoke permits issued for work in the shoreland zone. This is a critical bill that will safeguard municipalities, and our lakes, against homeowners who ignore Maine law and disregard their impact on lakes that belong to every one of us.

For more information about submitting a letter in support of LD 2101, please visit our Advocacy page.

Invasive Species: The IFW Committee heard from advocates last week who are in favor of LD 2141, a bill that will give a one-time appropriation of $2 million for aquatic invasive species work and will also ask IFW to assess inspection protocols and surface use restrictions as a tool for reducing the spread of invasive species. In addition to the speakers in the room, the committee has received 79 pieces of testimony from lake advocates in favor of the bill. Thank you to all who have spoken up!

You can check progress on the bill here or on our Advocacy page.

Thank you in advance for speaking up!



Thanks to all of our sponsors who help offset the cost of maintaining this site for all lake residents and visitors. Please visit their businesses and let them know you appreciate their help.

List your local business on our website for $55 per year, giving your business 24/7 visibility. Please pay by PayPal on this site or remit payment to SLA Advertising, PO Box 303, Dover-Foxcroft ME 04426-0303.

To advertise in our annual Newsletter, please contact data@sebeclakeassoc.com for a form.  Newsletters are sent to more than 1000 local and seasonal residents each year. 

Newsletter advertising rates are $80 full-page, $40 half-page and $25 business card.  Payment can be made by PayPal on this site under Dues/Ads/Donations/Store.

B. Washburn Electric, Inc.

24 Dawes Road
Dover-Foxcroft ME 04426
564-2922 / 717-4792 
Email   Website
Master Electrician - 20 Years Experience - Fully Insured

Residential, Commercial, Industrial

Generator Installations - Heat Pump Installations

24 Hour Emergency Service

Bear Point Marina

123 Bear Point Rd
Bowerbank ME 04426
Email   Website
Bear Point Marina On Sebec Lake - Cabins, Campground and Restaurant
Camp Store, Light Grocery, Beer & Wine, Gas, Oil, Ice, Ice Cream
Brick Oven Pizza, Seafood, Burgers and daily specials-Eat in or Take Out
Live music 6 times a year-Check Facebook for updates
Cornhole Fundraiser Labor Day Weekend
Come by boat, car or ATV
Cabin and Campground rentals-Reservations 207-564-3135 or 603-834-0873
Stop in and visit!

Bears Den Log Cabin Motel

73 North St
Dover-Foxcroft ME 04426
Email   Website

The Bears Den Restaurant, Motel and Tavern features a full-service Restaurant and Tavern serving all-day breakfast as well as lunch and dinner. in a friendly, casual environment. 
We have 6 Individual log cabins as well as 5 regular Motel rooms.
We are conveniently located beside ITS82, a Four Season Adventure Trail that runs from Newport directly to The Bears Den location. 
Please call 564-8733 for our monthly band schedule.
Check out our Facebook page at Facebook


1483 Old Fort Rd
Fairview NC 28730
828 628-0500 
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Biz-comm designed and programmed Sebec Lake Association site. If you are a local business and are in need of a logo, marketing materials, publicity, or a website, mention your Sebec Lake membership to receive a significant discount.

"Thanks for ALL you've done for the SLA. As always (and I can't say it enough) I love working with you... You are patient and accommodating at every turn. A big THANK YOU to your work, your patience and your great ideas!!!" -- Janet Hall, Sebec Lake Association, Recording Secretary

Center Theatre

20 East Main St.
Dover-Foxcroft ME 04426
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Offering private screenings and rentals starting for as little as $75!


Looking forward to seeing you this summer!
Movies, Concerts, Live Theater, Community Events and so much more.

What do you want to do tonight?

Central Maine Dock

Oliver Merrill
Sebec ME 04481
Email   Website

Your time at the lake should be relaxing. Don't stress over 'camp chores' like putting your dock in. We want you to make the most of your time on the water!

With more than 20 years of experience installing, removing and servicing docks and boat lifts, we service all brands and styles of docks.

If fast, friendly, professional service is what you're looking for, you have come to the right place.

We are currently working by appointment only. Please contact us for availability.

Central Maine Smiles

5 Winter Street
Dover-Foxcroft ME 04426
Email   Website

At Central Maine Smiles, it is our goal to provide high quality comprehensive dental care, in a trusting environment.  It's the way dentistry SHOULD be!  We work hard to help our patients keep their natural teeth healthy, so they last a lifetime.

Our dentists, Dr. Hillary Caruso, Dr. Daniel Steinke, and Dr. Kevine Devine provide the highest quality dental care and are always accepting new patients.

Please see our website (above) for a list of services we are pleased to offer.

Dover True Value

69 E. Main St
Dover-Foxcroft ME 04426
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Stop by Dover True Value Hardware Store for all your home improvement needs. Conveniently located on Main Street, it's easy to pick up one bag of nuts and bolts or enough supplies to complete your entire project. We've been helping our customers find exactly what they need since 1994 with friendly, knowledgeable and attentive service. We stock a wide variety of hardware and home supplies including housewares, tools, appliances, building supplies, and more to tackle all those items on your weekend to-do list.
Shop local and surprise yourself with everything Dover True Value Hardware can do for you.
Our outdoor power equipment shop offers on-site repair services for you mower, snow lower, hand held equipment and power tools.

Edwards Brothers Supermarkets

22 North St
Dover-Foxcroft ME 04426
(207) 564-3246 
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Edwards Brothers Supermarkets is your local grocery store offering Hannaford Brothers products and friendly customer service.

Our store is stocked with all your grocery needs including a full-service meat and seafood department, as well as a deli and bakery with a fresh selection of meats, cheeses, salads, and baked goods.

If you are looking for quality organic items, then you will be pleasantly surprised by our selection.

We look forward to seeing you!

Our store hours are:
Mon-Sat: 7:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Sunday: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Eli's Market

54 Water St
Guilford ME 04443
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Eli's Market - Shopping made simple

We embrace the simple pleasures of life.  Our commitment to excellence fuels our mission to offer a diverse range of high-quality and affordable products for everyone.  Whether you're shopping for fresh ingredients or enjoying time with family and friends, we aim to make your experience rewarding, fun, and effortless. 

Welcome to Eli's Market, where shopping is made simple!

HANDY STOP Neighborhood Market

251 E. Main St.
Dover-Foxcroft ME 04426

Handy Stop is more than just a convenience store.  We offer takeout food, fresh groceries, and more.

Handy Stop offers breakfast, lunch and dinner options from fresh sandwiches and salads to hot pizza and delicious chicken! 

All locations also include a beer cae and a wine selection.  Handy Stop can be your one stop shop for everything you may need!

Open 7 Days /Week

At the Handy Stop, we offer a large variety of food and beverage options. 

We want to be a  convenient place for you to swing in and grab whatever you need!


Maine Whoopie Pie Festival

Center Theatre, 20 East Main St.
Dover-Foxcroft ME 04426
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Saturday, June 22, 2024 in downtown Dover-Foxcroft


Join us in downtown Dover-Foxcroft for the return of the Maine Whoopie Pie Festival. June 22, 2024 will be the sweetest day in Maine once again with dozens of bakers, 100's of vendors, artists, crafters, and food vendors as well as live music, kids activities and so much more!


Mark your calendar and visit our website above for details and updates.


Rowell's Garage and Car Wash

191 and 192 E. Main St
Dover Foxcroft ME 04426
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Rowell's Garage has been providing school busing to SAD 68, quality vehicles, and vehicle servicing to the Piscataquis County area since 1946. And now, we have a state of the art automatic drive through car wash to offer area residents.

Sackett and Brake Survey Inc.

48 Morton Ave, Suite N
Dover-Foxcroft ME 04426
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We are a multi-disciplinary surveying and land use consulting firm with over 40 years of business experience. Our staff includes key personnel who have over 80 years of related experience. Our staff consists of Licensed Professional Land Surveyors, Field Technicians, CAD operators, and Office Personnel, who are also very experienced and trained in all aspects of surveying and land management with the most up-to-date technology.

At Sackett & Brake Survey, Inc. we take pride in having a respectable reputation with highly accurate professional services rendered to our private, professional, municipal government, and industrial clients throughout the State of Maine. Our staff is well accustomed to project scheduling to meet the demands of our client's deadlines. We also provide each client with the individual service requested to meet their very own needs. We are equipped with the latest GPS technology and carry professional liability insurance.

Sebec Village Marine

668 Sebec Village Rd
Sebec Village ME 04481
(207) 564-8610 
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Charlene & Bill Moriarty Owners

Sebec Village Marine, located in the heart of Sebec Village, has been doing business on Sebec Lake for 22 years and counting! 

We offer storage and service for your boats as well as several pontoon boats for daily, weekly and monthly rentals in sizes to accommodate all your needs.

We are now offering newly constructed cabin rentals with lake access which can accommodate families or individuals for all four seasons of recreation. Our cabins can sleep 6 comfortably with 2 bedrooms and a loft, with two Queen beds, a trundle bed, a bathroom with shower, a kitchen area with sink, full-sized refrigerator, gas cook stove. They are fully equipped with all kitchen equipment, bed linens and towels. Climate control comfort is provided by heating and air conditioning.  Each has an outdoor gas grill and picnic table, an outside porch to watch incredible sunsets and a private dock for your boat with lake access! You can totally relax and enjoy swimming, fishing, hunting, snowmobiling and four wheeling in season!!!

Sebec Village Marine offers nothing but the best to make your stay on Beautiful Sebec Lake a great experience!

Our family owned and operated business looks forward to serving you during your visit to beautiful Sebec Lake! 

Our hours of operation vary so please reach out via telephone or email above.


Stutzman's Farm Stand and Brick Oven Cafe

891 Doughty Hill Rd
Sangerville ME 04479
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Your local place for seasonal fresh-picked fruit, produce, and delicious baked goods.
Try our Wood Fired Brick Oven Cafe for the best made-from-scratch pizzas, salad and dessert buffet.
U-Pick Strawberries in season. CSAs Available.

The Lakeshore House Pub & Lodge

9 Tenney Hill Rd
Monson ME 04464
(207) 997-7069 
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Hours: Tue, Wed, Thur, Sun 11:30 AM to 8PM
Fri & Sat 11:30 AM to 9PM
Closed on Monday

Summer Music Sundays, 3-6pm Memorial Day through October
Open Mic Night, Thursdays 5-8pm

Tim Merrill & Co

45 Peaks-Kenny State Park Rd
Dover-Foxcroft ME 04426
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Marine Sales & Service, Parts & Accessories including Boat and Dock sales and rentals

Park Grocery, Deli, Camping Supplies, Campfire wood, Sebec Lake apparel,Fishing/Hunting Licenses/Milfoil stickers

Greeley's Landing Motor Co: Quality Used Cars, Maine Inspection Station, Auto & Motorcycle, 23 Hour Towing

Merrill Propane: Cylinder & Bulk LP Gas Sales & Service

The Bear's House Museum: a unique collection of Sebec Lake History:
Open Thurs, Fri, Sat 1pm-5pm during Summer months

Vail's Custom Cakes and Icelandic Bakery

920 West Main St
Dover-Foxcroft ME 04426
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Located in Dover-Foxcroft, Maine -Vail's Custom Cakes and Icelandic Bakery is your one stop shop for award winning confectionery delights. Our locally owned bakery is run by Charlie and Jennifer Vail.  We employ Iris Oskarsdottir-Vail (our daughter in law) as head baker. She is an international award-winning baker from Iceland who blends her international talent with rustic Maine charm. We make cakes, pastries, breads, soups, sandwiches and much more. We can perfectly craft the food you need for any size occasion! Delivery for events available!

What are you waiting for? Swing on in ASAP or place a custom order! Do not delay because we sell out fast and we book out for events.

Remember, at Vails Custom Cakes and Icelandic Bakery - "If you dream it, we can create it". 

Contact Iris to place a custom order TODAY via email above...
Open Wednesday to Saturday
0630 AM to 1 PM



Links of Interest

Animated Boating Knots by Grog

Bowerbank Town Office

Center Theatre


Downeast Magazine

Eastern Maine Bass Club

Eastern Maine Bass Club (EMBC) was formed in 2017 to bring together anglers who tournament fish the many great lakes within 1-2 hours of the greater Bangor area.

Invasive Aquatic Plants in Maine

Illustration of invasive plants in Maine

Invasive Aquatic Species Program - State of Maine

This comprehensive site includes photos to identify invasive aquatic plants as well as state maps indicating which water bodies are currently infested and what type of invasive plant has been found.

Invasive Plant Patrol Initiative

Brian Krause, a science teacher at our local high school (Foxcroft Academy, Dover-Foxcroft), worked with SLA VP Rudy Davis to get the IPP (Invasive Plant Patrol) mapping project started in 2015. In summer 2019, his crew for the project were FA students who received science credit for their work mapping the lake shoreline, recording existing native plants in each area along the shore, and looked for any invasive plants; no invasives were found. Here are some photos of the project.

Kiwanis Club of Dover-Foxcroft

We meet on Tuesday mornings in the student lounge of Foxcroft Academy West Main Street in Dover-Foxcroft - 6:15 AM Evening meetings held on the last Tuesday of the month - 6:00 PM

Lake Stewards of Maine (was Maine VLMP)

The Mission of the Lake Stewards of Maine is to help protect Maine lakes through widespread citizen participation in the gathering and dissemination of credible scientific information pertaining to lake health.

Lakes Environmental Association

LEA is a regional non-profit organization, funded by members, focused on protecting lakes and water quality in western Maine. LEA's mission is to preserve and restore the high water quality and the traditional character of Maine's lakes, watersheds and related natural resources. The long-term survival of Maine's lakes is critical to present and future generations.

Maine Lakes

Maine Lakes is non-profit, charitable membership that monitors the Maine state legislature to provide a 'clear voice for protection of our most precious freshwater resources and wildlife habitat.' We encourage you to click on 'Advocacy' on the blue banner of the Maine Lakes home page to see the current issues in front of the Maine Legislature, and to see what you (and the Sebec Lake Association) can do to protect our lake. Our mission: Maine Lakes is a membership organization with a mission to promote, protect and enhance lake water quality, and to preserve the ecological, economic, recreational, and aesthetic benefits of Maine's lakes. We support our member lake associations with their local efforts, and engage our individual members in outreach, education and action.

Maine Whoopie Pie Festival

Produced by the Center Theatre, The Maine Whoopie Pie Festival is the sweetest day in the state of Maine! Recognized in 2011 as the Maine State Treat, the Whoopie Pie has always held a place of honor in the stores of Maine and the hearts of Mainers everywhere. The Maine Whoopie Pie Festival was founded in 2008 by the Center Theatre in Dover-Foxcroft as a celebration of the uniquely Maine dessert. The festival has grown from a small local event drawing several hundred people to a massive celebration drawing people from all corners of the state, country and even the world. Each year, several thousand people descend on Dover-Foxcroft to sample whoopie pies from dozens of bakers around the state.

Piscataquis County Soil and Water Conservation District

Since 1944 the Piscataquis County Soil and Water Conservation District has worked in our community to protect the soil, water, forests and farms in this region. We are a leader in agriculture and forestry by providing education and technical assistance to promote the conservation of natural resources upon which we depend. Our shared vision is of an environmentally stronger Maine, with healthy and stable soils, clean and unimpaired rivers, streams, brooks, and water bodies, strong and productive forested areas, profitable and sustainable agriculture, informed and involved conservation minded residents, and for Maine to be a leader in individual conservation practices.

Sebec Lake on Facebook

For all of those who have had the privilege to spend time at Sebec Lake, share pictures, memories and stories.

Sebec Town Office

The Three Rivers Community is a group of towns in the Maine Highlands with a total population of about 6,000.

The Lake Book - A Handbook for Lake Protection

Information about lakes and the impacts people have on lake ecology and health with up-to-date information on lake science, wildlife, native plants, erosion management and actions to improve your lake.

Three Rivers Community

The Three Rivers Community is a group of towns in central Maine including Atkinson, Bowerbank, Brownville, LaGrange, Lake View, Medford, Milo, and Sebec, with a total population of about 5,000 people. Its goal is to link our communities, businesses, schools, and organizations together for better social and economic benefits.

Tims Cove Property Owner's Association on Sebec Lake

The Tim's Cove Property Owners association is comprised of camp and cabin owners along the shores of Tim's Cove on Sebec Lake. We work together to maintain the roads to our properties, keep each other informed of various issues that affect our properties on Sebec Lake, and work with the Town of Willimantic on areas of joint concern.

Webcams live streaming - Michael T. McCormack

Lake level data, Greeley's Landing, Night Sky, Star cam, Borestone Mountain, Merrill's Marina

Willimantic- The Heart of Maine

Information about the town of Willimantic